Say more – it helps make your point and educates your audience


Unlocking AI’s True Potential: It’s Not About Saying Less, But Saying More

In the past decade, two characters have made a bigger impact on the tech industry than any other: “AI.” Artificial Intelligence is no longer a far-off concept but a driving force in nearly every sector. However, unlike the popular culture saying “say less,” when it comes to AI, the opposite is true. If you want people to grasp the true value of AI, you need to say more—much more.

Far too often, businesses use the term “AI” as a buzzword, expecting its mere presence to add value. The assumption seems to be that just by mentioning AI, their audience will understand its significance. But in reality, this leaves most people scratching their heads, unsure of how AI benefits them or their work.

Simply telling your customers that they need to integrate AI into their workflows doesn’t enlighten or excite them. In fact, it does quite the opposite—it confuses and overwhelms them. To truly drive value with AI, businesses need to go beyond the buzzwords. They need to explain, in clear terms, what AI can do for their customers and how it can transform their day-to-day operations.

Explaining the True Value of AI

To be successful with AI, the key is education. Your prospective customers must understand what AI means in practical, actionable terms. Does it help them save time? Can it streamline their operations? Does it allow them to make better, more informed decisions? How will it improve their productivity and ultimately, their bottom line?

Answering these questions requires more than just a passing reference to AI. It requires breaking down complex concepts into relatable, easy-to-understand benefits that directly address your customers’ pain points. AI should be positioned as the tool that *helps*, not a mysterious force that only experts understand.

Let’s take the video industry as an example. Many companies in this space are currently pushing AI-based tools to create a sense of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). They tout how advanced AI technology is revolutionizing video production, editing, and management. But without an explanation of *how* AI will help a video team streamline their work, reduce costs, or improve the quality of their content, customers are left unsure of how to adopt it—or why they should.

Bridging the Gap with Communication

Instead of contributing to the confusion, companies need to focus on being transparent and explicit about what AI can do for their clients. Communication is the bridge between technology and its end users. Rather than saying, “You need to use AI,” companies should take the extra step to say, “Here’s how AI will save you hours in your video production process, reduce editing costs, and improve the quality of your output.”

When you’re able to clearly explain the advantages of AI, in a way that directly addresses your audience’s specific challenges, you are golden. You move from creating confusion to offering real, tangible value.

Making AI Work for Your Business

In a world full of buzzwords, it’s important to remember that AI is not a magic bullet—it’s a tool. And like any tool, its value lies in how effectively it’s used. The companies that win in the AI race will be those who take the time to educate their audience, helping them understand not just what AI is, but how it can change their workflow, save them money, and improve their overall productivity.

In short: When it comes to AI, saying more, not less, is the key to success.